miércoles, 20 de abril de 2011

Aquesta setmana estic de vacances i mare meva com es nota... també havia de fer molts encàrrecs i tenia moltes coses a fer, i xino-xano ho vaig fent tot... es nota molt l'exercici i no estar sentada davant de l'ordinador durant set hores, a més poder descansar quan el cos m'ho demana és fantàstic... en canvi estic passant males nits, molt mogudes.

This week I'm on vacation because of Easter and I'm feeling much better since I can walk much more due I dont have to be sitted in front of the computer during 7 hours and I can rest when my body asks for it.... the only thing is that I'm having stressful nights.

2 comentarios:

  1. Would you qualify for a disablility leave while you get this under more control?

    kathy :)

  2. I dont want to hon... but... I have to quit from work about 1 or two days a week... that is so hard and too much often... I would like keep working as I want to keep up with my life if the new treatment and medication will help me enough, but dont know what the doctors will say.
