miércoles, 6 de abril de 2011

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / Síndrome Fatiga Crónica

I've just decided to start this blog because a new hit in my live... I've been diagnosed "Chronic fatigue syndrome" wich I didn't almost know what it was before that. It also doesn't have solution... I'll have to deal with it for the rest of my life... since I've had to deal with several things during my existence, I think I can help out others with my experiences. So far I've just been diagnosed, have not the treatment yet and next month will be visiting the specialist again after some more test I need to do. I've read two books about this and now I'm searching a suport group to talk about it in Tarragona. I've been feeling sick for soooo long, and now it has explanation and it feels good, on the other hand this syndrome will be my mate for the rest of my life, and that doesn't feel so good though. M'acabo de decidir de començar un blog degut a una nova trompada a la meva vida: m'han diagnosticat síndrome de la fatiga crònica, fins ara gairebé ni sabia el que era, a més no té solució, hauré de lluitar amb això la resta de la meva vida, ja que he hagut de passar per moltes proves molt dures durant la meva existència crec que puc ajudar als demés amb les meves experiències. Per ara només m'ho han diagnosticat, encara no m'han donat cap tipus de tractament, que encara que no serà curatiu serà paliatiu... el mes que ve tinc visita amb l'especialista després d'unes proves que m'he de fer. Ja he llegit dos llibres sobre el tema i busco algun grup de suport o ajuda aqui a Tarragona. He estat malalta durant tant de temps que tindre una explicació del que em passa em fa sentir bastant bé per una banda, per l'altra... aquesta síndrome m'acompanyarà tota la vida... i això ja no em fa sentir tant be.

1 comentario:

  1. Sonso,
    I was so said to hear of your diagnosis. You are so full of life and I hate to see anything that will limit you. You have promised me to be true to yourself and that also means respecting your disease. A strength overused becomes and weakness but also....A weakness respected becomes a strength. THis has guided my life very much.

    Your Canadian friend, Kathy :)
