jueves, 7 de abril de 2011

Today my bowels were bothering so much that I would take them off, now going to bed 'coz feeling so so... and want to try to rest to be able to go to work tomorrow. Feeling fine is like winnig the loto... not always sure if it's gonna happen.

Avui els budells m'han fet tant de mal que me'ls hagués arrencat! ja sé, sona fort, però és que ho faria de debó. Ara ja me'n vaig a dormir, que em trobo força malament i vull estar fina per demà anar a treballar, trobar-se bé sembla una loteria.

2 comentarios:

  1. Sonso,

    I wonder if those with excellent health...heck I would take medium health...know the gift that they have :)

    Kathy :)

  2. I wonder that too hon... they dont know how blessed they are
